Sunrise sunset painting

Is it a Sunrise or Sunset

Is This A Sunrise Or A Sunset?

Sunrise sunset painting

Can you tell if the pink glow in the sky  is from sunrise or sunset . Inspiration for this original painting was from gorgeous Pink Camellias blooming in my garden, rather than any epic sunset or sunrise.

camelia flowers in garden

I was inspired to capture the softness and vibrancy of these beautiful petals in my sky. I love how the pink glow lights up the entire painting . It has a sense of serenity and mystery. The moody greens against gentle pink complement each other like Yin and Yang. It creates beautiful balance and harmony. According to this interesting Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang appear opposite but are actually interconnected and interdependent in the natural world. They may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. This lovely painting might be sunrise or sunset I don’t know either but I know for sure every sunset is followed by a promising sunrise and every sunrise is followed by a peaceful sunset. 

Flowers are my constant source of inspiration.  All winter I painted happy flowers dreaming of spring and released the collection in march of 10 original floral paintings available here “Moments of Spring” .